"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."
~ E.L. Doctorow
This was the thought that I brought to share. I really like that quote although I just found it recently online. Life teaches you experience that makes a big impact on your writing if you let it. If you tap into it.
The one bit of information that I want to post really quick, because it is on my mind and the most inspiring thing that was given to us at the ANWA Conference by Tristi Pinkston, is a speech given by an LDS General Authority in 1888 by Orson F. Whitney titled "Home Literature." We could hardly remember it all, because she used so much of the information from that speech, so note taking was difficult. (I was going to email her and get the full text, but the Westside Stories President, Faith, found it for us.)
A most excellent read!
Orson F. Whitney "Home Literature"
Tristi gave a compelling lesson about tapping into our spirituality to became a better writer. She challenged that writing is a deeply spiritual experience and that every good writer taps their spirituality to do their best work. In fact, if we do not tap that spirituality our writing lacks a spark that will make it stand out from just any book, poem, or writing genre.
I will definitely share more of what I learned in her class. Just not right now.