Monday, January 18, 2010

In progress!

It isn't because I'm ignoring my blog, I'm just devoting all my time to writing. Why? Because I can quite literally see the end in sight and that always motivates me to write, write, write.

I have a ton of stuff to share really I do. But I'm writing. If I hit my goal early I'll spend the end of the month putting some wicked posts in my blog. I swear!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sharing the totals of my hard work!

December is now over with. So is 2009 too. And here are the accomplishments of my long hard work since I started writing in 2009.

In December I made a goal to hit over 12,000 words. I wrote a total of 21,393! I didn't plan that. I didn't push myself either. So I'm really happy that I can say I can write that many words! My goal is to practice every month so next November when I do NaNoWriMo, I can do it! As it stands, practice really does help me work up to stuff that seems out of my reach.

For all of 2009, I wrote a total of:
61,127 words. Cause that is how far into my story I am.

Well, for January I want to hit 20,000 words. So I'll report all of that on my tracker along the sides of my blog. You'll have to scroll down to find it. (It's on the left hand side, in pink.)
For 2010, I want to continue to hit my monthly goal and practice for NaNoWriMo. And of course, finish my WIP. And once that one is done I see no reason why I can't start on the next one.

I can honestly say my future feels so bright I have to wear sunglasses. YAY!